Dutch Government Announces Roadmap to End Chick Culling by 2026
On Tuesday, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature announced their roadmap to end male chick culling for table eggs sold in The Netherlands by 2026.

Walmart Includes In-Ovo Sexing in New Egg Supplier Guidelines
Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, known for its budget friendliness and accessible offerings, recently released new animal welfare policies and guidelines where the company made the innovative decision to include in-ovo sexing as a focus area for its US egg suppliers. This forward thinking announcement from Walmart comes just two short months after the very first hatch of in-ovo sexed chicks on US soil, and it sends a compelling message about the future prospects of in-ovo sexing’s rollout.

Perdue Adopts On-Farm Hatching, Marking Major US Industry Shift
Perdue Farms announced today it will implement NestBorn's on-farm hatching technology, becoming the first major US poultry producer to adopt this cutting-edge innovation.

In-Ovo Sexing Quarterly Roundup: Q4 2024
Welcome to Innovate Animal Ag’s in-ovo sexing quarterly roundup for Q4 2024, where we dive into the latest news for the technology, and what it means for consumers and producers across the globe.

Europe Travel Journal: What We Learned from Seeing In-Ovo Sexing in Action
Last month, Innovate Animal Ag took a two-week trip to northern Europe to visit the birthplace of in-ovo sexing technology. We want to extend our gratitude to everyone we met that took time out of their busy schedules to help us gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the amazing technological innovations coming out of northern Europe.

Respeggt Circuit Makes US Debut: White and Brown Egg Sexing Now Available in US
Respeggt, an in-ovo sexing technology supplier, and Hendrix ISA, a genetics company and hatchery operator, announced that a Respeggt Circuit will be delivered to the US in February 2025. The Circuit will be installed in Hendrix's Grand Island, Nebraska hatchery, which has the capacity to serve 10% of the US layer market.

In Historic Moment, First U.S. In-Ovo Sexed Chicks Now En Route to NestFresh Farms
Today, stakeholders and press gathered to celebrate the first hatch of in-ovo sexed chicks on U.S. soil with an event taking place at an Iowa hatchery. This occasion represents the advent of a new specialty category of eggs for American consumers.

Announcing: The Hatchability Crisis
A puzzling trend has emerged in U.S. broiler production. After decades of improvement, hatchability has declined by 6 percentage points since 2012. This steady, significant decline represents a real threat to the industry's long-term efficiency and sustainability.

Increasing Flock Performance Bolsters Business Case for In-Ovo Sexing
As genetic improvements in major layer breeds and scientific poultry management improve flock productivity, the cost per table egg of in-ovo sexing decreases, making the technology more accessible to interested egg producers.

In-Ovo Sexing Quarterly Roundup: Q3 2024
Welcome to Innovate Animal Ag’s in-ovo sexing quarterly roundup for Q3 2024, where we dive into the latest news for the technology, and what it means for consumers and producers across the globe.

Agri Advanced Technologies Announces they are Supplying Two In-Ovo Sexing Systems to US
AAT announced that they are bringing their in-ovo sexing system to two US hatcheries in the fall of 2024. This comes on the back of three US egg companies in the last six months announcing intentions to sell eggs from in-ovo sexed hens, suggesting that AAT’s machine will supply these companies with in-ovo sexed hens.

NestFresh Intends to be First in the US to Implement In-Ovo Sexing
NestFresh, a leader in the US speciality egg sector, announced that they will be using in-ovo sexing for their entire egg line starting later this year.

In-Ovo Sexing has Now Hit 20% of the Market in the EU
We recently released our updated EU Market Penetration Report which shows that 20% of the EU hen flock has now been sexed using in-ovo sexing technology.

In-Ovo Sexing Quarterly Roundup: Q2 2024
Welcome to Innovate Animal Ag’s in-ovo sexing quarterly roundup for Q2 2024, where we dive into the latest news for the technology, and what it means for consumers and producers across the globe.

New Survey on US Consumer Views on Technology in Animal Agriculture
A new survey looks at American’s views on technology in animal agriculture. Innovate Animal Ag analyzed this data, and pulled out the key insights for business leaders and policy makers.

Second US Egg Producer Announces In-Ovo Sexing, Marking the Beginning of a New Trend in American Egg Production
With two US egg producers announcing the use of in-ovo sexing within such a short time, it’s likely that we’re seeing the beginnings of a new trend in American egg production.

Announcing: The Hatchery of the Future
Cutting edge technologies like on-farm hatching, in-ovo sexing, and in-ovo vaccination are transforming the interface between the hatchery and the farm. By moving all post-hatch handling steps pre-hatch, these technologies can eliminate live animal handling at the hatchery all together, resulting in a supply chain that’s both more efficient and humane.

In-Ovo Sexing is Getting Cheaper Each Year
In a recent interview with Global Ag Media, economist Peter van Horne described some of the critical recent developments in the growing international discussion of in-ovo sexing. Most notably, after considerable improvement over the last few years, the price of in-ovo sexing technology is now less than 1 cent per table egg.

Survey of UK Consumers Demonstrates Business Opportunity for Cull-Free Eggs
In-ovo sexing technology company In Ovo recently commissioned a survey of UK citizens to learn more about how consumers across the British Isles feel about the challenge of chick culling.

In-Ovo Sexing Quarterly Roundup: Q1 2024
Welcome to Innovate Animal Ag’s in-ovo sexing quarterly roundup for Q1 2024, where we dive into the latest news for the technology, and what it means for consumers and producers across the globe.