Announcing: The Hatchery of the Future

Announcing: The Hatchery of the Future

Cutting edge technologies like on-farm hatching, in-ovo sexing, and in-ovo vaccination are transforming the interface between the hatchery and the farm. By moving all post-hatch handling steps pre-hatch, these technologies can eliminate live animal handling at the hatchery all together, resulting in a supply chain that’s both more efficient and humane.

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In-Ovo Sexing is Getting Cheaper Each Year
In-Ovo Sexing Casey Downey In-Ovo Sexing Casey Downey

In-Ovo Sexing is Getting Cheaper Each Year

In a recent interview with Global Ag Media, economist Peter van Horne described some of the critical recent developments in the growing international discussion of in-ovo sexing. Most notably, after considerable improvement over the last few years, the price of in-ovo sexing technology is now less than 1 cent per table egg.

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In-Ovo Sexing Opens Door To On-Farm Hatching of Layers
In-Ovo Sexing, On-Farm Hatching Robert Yaman In-Ovo Sexing, On-Farm Hatching Robert Yaman

In-Ovo Sexing Opens Door To On-Farm Hatching of Layers

On-farm hatching is gaining popularity for broilers in Europe, but isn’t typically possible for layers due to the necessity of sorting out the females they hatch. However, as in-ovo sexing becomes more widely available, this situation will change. Once only females hatch, egg producers will too be able to enjoy the benefits of on-farm hatching.

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