Innovate Animal Ag is a think tank helping producers improve animal health and welfare through practical, cutting-edge technologies.

Our Research

The Hatchery of the Future

Technology is transforming the interface between the hatchery and the farm.

On-Farm Hatching

Bypassing chick transport reduces the need for antibiotics and improves welfare.

In-Ovo Sexing 2024 in Review

2024 was a year of massive change for in-ovo sexing technology.

American Views on Technology in Animal Agriculture

Americans want practical solutions for animal welfare.

The Hatchability Crisis

After decades of improvement, U.S. broiler hatchability began a sustained decline.

In-Ovo Sexing

Egg producers can now hatch only females, solving the problem of male chick culling.

In-Ovo Sexing Market Penetration Report

In-ovo sexing is now widely available in Europe.

In-Ovo Sexing American Consumer Survey

Consumers are ready to pay more for it.

Recent Articles


Innovate Animal Ag specializes in the commercialization and scale up of novel agricultural technologies. Leveraging our extensive experience and connections in the Silicon Valley tech ecosystem, our goal is to help stakeholders navigate the complexities of emerging technologies. We work with producers, investors, grantmakers, researchers and policymakers to understand the cutting edge of animal agriculture, and how it might affect their operations.

Working with Innovate Animal Ag has been really valuable. In-ovo sexing technology has developed quickly over the last few years, and the team at IAA has done a great job providing timely and relevant information. The team is extremely knowledgeable and their insights have been invaluable as we evaluate the potential of in-ovo sexing for our business.
— Vice-President from a top-20 US egg-producer

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